Monday, April 26, 2010

My study in Love

My own that I just would be so lost without. Even when they drive me nuts, I wouldnt trade anything. They just make my world better. Every day.

My ovaries are screaming

Photo shoot for a company called ... Note to myself: NEVER DO THIS AGAIN! My poor ovaries were screaming. One baby was plopped in my arms and that was it. I was done. It immediately made me want to go out and get impregnated immediately. They grow up so fast...I hardley remember my own little one's at this age ... GAH! Someone bring me a little cuddle of cooing goodness immediately, please!

Babies who have their own agenda

Sometimes I go into the studio and I know I will have babies there .. and I always get so excited to photograph them but it doesn't always go as expected. My visions of coochie coochie chew doesnt always happen. Actually: It never does! Especially the little one's. They have their own agenda. They will do what they want, when they want, and no amount of reasoning will ever make them change their mind. It's not called the terrible 2's for nothing. Except I find ... during these sessions ... is when I get the best images! When they are just being what they want to be. When they are doing what they want to do. And I love that. And I almost always leave thinking "Crap ... I got nothing". Thankfully, I am always wrong.

Spit Bubbles Rock

My Son D-Man. One of the reason's I love photographing kids. They just do things because it's fun. There is no reason needed. They don't think about what anyone thinks. They don't think silly to blow a spit bubble in a 10x mirror for no reason. They just do. And I love that about them.